How hard can it be to find work here in the middle of a giga-, mega- or super-recession? You never know the answer until you really tried. And that's what we decided to do. We really want to try before we may resort to some vague, ominous plan B.
Here in an old (no telephone line old) appartment in Dalston in the Borough of Hackney, London truly seems to be the capital of the world. The streets here are filled with immigrants from all ends of the world trying to make a living here. It is comforting and intimidating at the same time to be part of these masses.
Of course nobody in this city waited for us to show up or to give us jobs, but maybe we will have just this little bit of luck that is necessary. If not we just have to make it with hard work, skills and stubbornness.
Dear reader, Wish us luck.
P.S. If somebody has, by chance, a job in the UK to offer to an experienced Journalist or a VBA / MS Access developer, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Wow, congrats on the move--and good luck!