I was on my way home from buying a sandwich in the shopping area a street away from my apartment. I was rounding the corner at this store, no kidding, called Assmann [It sells health aids.]. These two friendly-looking ladies stopped me. I am not used to older women who don't look like they hate me, so I decided to be polite and stopped. They were both smiling. Now I know why. They were Jehovah's Witnesses, not intrinsically nice people.

Only one was talking. She chose her gambit poorly. She started by saying that she had noticed that I speak English and waved her hand around the Alter Markt. So, she is watching me as I walk to and from my home. I automatically hate her but I decided to be polite, so I am sticking with that.
She continued on her broken path. She said she and her partner were sent out to talk to English speakers like me.
I stayed nice. It takes a lot of courage to talk to strangers and there is no need to be rude. Despite my hating these women, I maintained my polite facade.
She asked me would I like to attend an introductory meeting in English.
I politely said no. I assumed that would be the end of it but nope.
She then politely asked me what religion I was.
I tried to quickly scan by brain to create something that would end the conversation quickly. I came up with nothing, so simply said, Right now, nothing because it was a short answer that would hopefully end our conversation on a positive note.
Smiley looked surprised and explained, Oh, I'm surprised. Most people from Africa are usually something.
I am sure that I had a bit of an edge when I said, I am not from Africa.
Of course, she asked me where I was from. She seemed a bit taken aback I reported that I am from the United States of America.
Then she asked me if I was living in Germany or visiting. I sighed and said, I live here.
I am not sure what all this information had to do with my learning about her religion and the fact that she just seemed to be surprised by everything I said was just pissing me off.
If we were on a first date, we would not go on a second date.